COVID-19 Changes to Library Policies
View this video to learn about changes to the library policy due to COVID-19
View this video to learn about changes to the library policy due to COVID-19
Library Admittance
Passes: You must have a pass from your teacher to come to the library.
Library Hours: The library schedule changes each week. Your teacher will post a copy of the library schedule in your room each week. The schedule will also be posted on the front doors of the library. If the library is “closed” you may not use the library (except to return books.) Please check the schedule before entering the library so as not to disturb classes
Book Circulation
Library ID Number: You will be given a library number that you will use to check out books. This number will be yours as long as you are a student at Hopewell Memorial Junior High.
Number of Checkouts: Students in fifth grade can check out up to 2 books at a time. Students in all other grades can check out up to 4 books at a time. (As long as nothing is overdue.)
Loan Period: Most books can be checked out for up to 10 school days. The book due date will be written on the whiteboard every day. Books may be renewed as long as there are not any holds on it. You must present the book to the librarian to renew it. Books can be returned before the ten days are up. You may return your books at any time by placing them gently in the book drop at the front desk.
Overdue Books: If you receive an overdue notice your books should be returned to the library as soon as possible. There are no fines for overdue books. If, however, a book is extremely overdue, your report card will not be released to you until the book is returned or paid for.
Fines: You are responsible for any book that is checked out to you. Please see the librarian if you cannot find your book. If you lose or damage a book, you will be expected to pay for the cost of repair or replacement. Your report card will be held until you pay for the book. If, within one year, a book you paid for is later found, you will receive a refund for the book. After one year, no refund will be issued.
Holds: You may place a “hold” on a book if someone else has it checked out. Fill out a “Book Hold Form,” located at the front desk. Give the form to the librarian. Your hold will be entered into the computer. When it is your turn to receive the book, it will be checked out to you and placed in your homeroom teacher’s mailbox. If you have an overdue book or are up to your checkout limit, you will be given three school days to return the items. After 3 days, the hold expires and the book is reshelved or passed on to the next person in line.
Library Computer Use
Passes: You must have a pass from your teacher to come to the library.
- You can get your pass from your homeroom teacher or from your subject teacher. Your pass must be signed and timed by the teacher whose class you are currently in. When you come into the library you must sign in on the sign in sheet and put your pass in the plastic bin. When you leave the library, the librarian will sign and time your pass again and you will return your pass to your classroom teacher.
- There are two types of passes, a regular library pass (green or yellow) and a pink research/computer pass. A regular pass allows students to check out books and take AR quizzes. Students with a regular pass should limit their library visits to 10 minutes. Students on a research pass may spend up to one period in the library (with their teacher’s permission) and may use the internet for their school-related research. Students are not permitted to use the internet or type unless they have a pink pass.
Library Hours: The library schedule changes each week. Your teacher will post a copy of the library schedule in your room each week. The schedule will also be posted on the front doors of the library. If the library is “closed” you may not use the library (except to return books.) Please check the schedule before entering the library so as not to disturb classes
Book Circulation
Library ID Number: You will be given a library number that you will use to check out books. This number will be yours as long as you are a student at Hopewell Memorial Junior High.
Number of Checkouts: Students in fifth grade can check out up to 2 books at a time. Students in all other grades can check out up to 4 books at a time. (As long as nothing is overdue.)
Loan Period: Most books can be checked out for up to 10 school days. The book due date will be written on the whiteboard every day. Books may be renewed as long as there are not any holds on it. You must present the book to the librarian to renew it. Books can be returned before the ten days are up. You may return your books at any time by placing them gently in the book drop at the front desk.
Overdue Books: If you receive an overdue notice your books should be returned to the library as soon as possible. There are no fines for overdue books. If, however, a book is extremely overdue, your report card will not be released to you until the book is returned or paid for.
Fines: You are responsible for any book that is checked out to you. Please see the librarian if you cannot find your book. If you lose or damage a book, you will be expected to pay for the cost of repair or replacement. Your report card will be held until you pay for the book. If, within one year, a book you paid for is later found, you will receive a refund for the book. After one year, no refund will be issued.
Holds: You may place a “hold” on a book if someone else has it checked out. Fill out a “Book Hold Form,” located at the front desk. Give the form to the librarian. Your hold will be entered into the computer. When it is your turn to receive the book, it will be checked out to you and placed in your homeroom teacher’s mailbox. If you have an overdue book or are up to your checkout limit, you will be given three school days to return the items. After 3 days, the hold expires and the book is reshelved or passed on to the next person in line.
Library Computer Use
- Student computers have a variety of programs to help you find information. You can use the online catalog or OPAC to find books in our library. Other online resources, including Power Library, can be used for research. Students are instructed regarding the use of these program and any questions or problems should be directed to the librarian.
- Illegally accessing, altering, or damaging a computer system, network, software program or database will result in disciplinary action through the administration.
- Internet Use: You must have written permission from a parent or guardian to access the Internet in the library (on file in the office). You must get a pink research pass from your subject teacher. You will lose your Internet privileges if you are surfing the net without permission.
- Printing: You are permitted to print one (1) copy of an article to take with you if needed. See the librarian if you only need part of an article or if the article is very large. If you make many copies of the same article you may be charged for the wasted paper. Please report computer and printer problems to the librarian immediately. Do not try to fix printer problems or computer problems yourself.